Born in Heinola tells the story of five Finnish teens growing up in the small, timber industrial town of Heinola during the devastating ’90s recession. As their parents struggle through hard economic times, the five very different teens meet by chance and form the punk band Apulanta (currently a famous band in Finland). Directed by Tuukka Temonen (Finland, 2016).
New Finnish Cinema
This fall, experience the best of new Finnish cinema at Scandinavia House as part of the American-Scandinavian Foundation’s yearlong celebration of Finland’s Centennial. Each film will be screened twice—Wednesday at 7 PM and Friday at 6:30 PM (with the exception of Born in Heinola). Tickets for individual films are $12 ($7 ASF Members) or you can purchase a Series Pass for all nine films for $45 ($25 ASF Members).
Films in the series include:
Little Wing—WED—10-25 & FRI—10-27
Absolution—WED—11-1 & FRI—11-3
Gold Digger—WED—11-8 & FRI–11-10
Born in Heinola—WED—11-15
Love and Fury—WED—11-29 & FRI—12-1
WED—11-15-2017—7 PM
$12 ($7 ASF Members)
111 min. In Finnish with English subtitles.