“Hovering just below the Arctic Circle, Iceland is a small island with enormous volcanoes, icy glacial rivers, and ancient lava fields. Passed on orally from generation to generation, the sagas are the stories of the early settlement of Iceland by Scandinavians searching for farmland in AD 900. These tales were later collected and written down by unknown authors in the 13th and 14th centuries and are ranked with the world’s finest literature.

Join art educators from Pratt Institute in a unique series of Saturday afternoon workshops inspired by the landscape and medieval tales of Iceland. The children will “visit” Iceland through stories, watercolors, and photographs from the Saga-Sites exhibition and make a visual record of their journey in drawings, paintings, and sculptures.”



Photo by the American-Scandinavian Foundation

SAT – 10-6-2012 through 11-17-2012 – 2:00 PM
No playtime on 11-3-2012
$12($10 ASF Members); Series Pass: $68 ($56 ASF Members), ages 6-10
Enrollment is limited; early registration is strongly encouraged