Arctic Superstar tells the story of Nils Rune Utsi AKA SlinCraze (b. 1990), an indigenous Sámi rapper who lives with his mom in Máze, a nearly abandoned village in the Arctic highlands of Norway. SlinCraze started rapping at the age of 13, mixing melodic, traditional Sámi music with the edgy rawness of rap. His lyrics are written in his native tongue—Northern Sámi—and cover everything from political protests about mining companies that are exploiting Sámi land to party music.


His dream is to one day be able to make a living off his raps. Maybe even become world famous. The only problem is that less than 20,000 people on earth understand his endangered language. Today, SlinCraze is the voice of a new generation of Sámi and he’s highly praised for his role in revitalizing Sámi culture and language.

Arctic Superstar is a story about ambition, hope, and finding your own voice. Directed by Simen Braathen (Norway, 2016).

The screening will be introduced by Director Simen Braathen, SlinCraze, and Aili Keskitalo, the President of the Sámi Parliament of Norway.

Director Simen Braathen will participate in a Q & A session following the screening.

Special thanks to Indie Film AS and the Royal Norwegian Consulate General.



Image courtesy of Indie Film AS

TUE—5-10-2016—6 PM
$10 ($7 ASF Members)
70 min. | In Norwegian and Northern Sámi with English subtitles