“The Snowden affair, the readiness of the U.S. government to subordinate the privacy of Internet communications to the interests of national security, the accumulation of Internet-based information by private businesses for their own uses – these developments propel Internet technologies and issues surrounding their use to the center of everyday political and civic concerns.
In a two-day conference organized by the New York Review of Books Foundation, in association with Norway’s Fritt Ord Foundation and PEN American Center, these issues and the role of the Internet in corporate management systems (known as “Computer Business Systems”), its role in dissent and repression, with a special focus on China and Russia will be examined. Further topics will be the Internet and the printed press, and the Internet and the future of higher education.

Among those participating will be James Bamford, author specializing in intelligence issues, including the role of the National Security Agency; Robert Darnton, Carl H. Pforzheimer University Professor and Director of the University Library at Harvard; Simon Head, Senior Fellow, the Institute of Public Knowledge, New York University and Director of Programs, the New York Review of Books Foundation; Amy Knight, historian specializing in Russian history and politics; Nicholas Lemann, staff writer, The New Yorker and formerly the Dean of Columbia’s School of Journalism; Perry Link, Professor of Comparative Literature, University of California, Riverside; Jeff Madrick, journalist, economic policy consultant and analyst and visiting Professor of Humanities, Cooper Union; Michael Massing, contributing editor, Columbia Journalism Review; and Robert Silvers, editor, The New York Review of Books.
Organized by the New York Review of Books Foundation and co-sponsored by the Fritt Ord Foundation and PEN American Center, with the generous support of Sara and Landon Rowland and the Lead Bank of Kansas City, and of The Europaeum of Oxford.”



Photo by the American-Scandinavian Foundation

WED – 10-30-2013 – 2 pm – 5:30 pm
THU – 10-31-2013 – 9:30 am – 3:15 pm