Inspired by true events and set in the blooming 1960s, The Day Will Come centers around two young brothers who are instantly robbed of their lives when they are placed in a boy’s home forgotten by time. The year is 1967, and a blooming youth culture is on the rise. In a working-class neighborhood of Copenhagen, two inseparable brothers, Elmer and Erik, are taken from their ill mother and put in the Gudbjerg Home for Boys. Here, Headmaster Heck practices his own brand of philosophy and regulation, where unruly boys are transformed into obedient citizens at any cost.
As they struggle to adjust to their new home, the two boys begin to understand how much their freedom has been lost, and how much a daily struggle for survival has begun. As their attempts to stay under the radar are increasingly foiled, a simmering revolt slowly forms. Armed only with a vivid imagination and a fickle hope, the boys engage in the frightening battle against Headmaster Heck and his lethal tyranny.
About the Director
Born in 1962, Jesper W. Nielsen graduated from the Danish Film School in 1986 as a film editor, and is also a director of both film and TV. He directed several episodes of one of Denmark’s most popular series, Dicte (2014) and Badehotellet (2014) for TV2. His prize-winning drama series Borgen (2011-2013) and his critically acclaimed Christmas calendar show The Pact (2009) have established his reputation as one of the most versatile and prolific directors in the country. His films range from the sensitive drama I Etspejl (2008) to the rock comedy Store Planer (2005) to the bittersweet family drama Okay (2002), which won a Bodil and several Robert awards. Nielsen also worked with Queen Margrethe on the film The Wild Swan (2009) as the manuscript writer.
WED—May 2—7 PM &
FRI—May 4—6:30 PM
$12 ($7 ASF Members)
Series pass $72 ($42 ASF Members)
95 min. In Danish with English subtitles.