Learn the Nordic languages in classes offered at Scandinavia House, held in-persona and virtually. This course is for absolute beginners.
In this beginner’s course, you will build your Norwegian vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar skills, while also learning about Norwegian culture and life. By the course’s end, you should be able to conduct simple conversations in Norwegian. Students are welcome to bring facts they know about Norway into class discussions.
You will get to practice small conversations and reading in class, and there will be a focus on pronunciation and certain Norwegian vowels and sounds which may be new to your ear. There will also be at-home assignments focusing on reading, writing, and grammar, as well as an optional end-of-semester presentation. Outside of class, students are encouraged to watch Norwegian shows/movies, read children’s books, and have podcasts on in the background.
The required text will be provided via pdf, before the first class.
This hybrid class will be held both in-person and via Zoom; in-person attendance for the first four classes is highly recommended. Classes take place on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 6–7 PM beginning Tuesday, March 18 and ending on Tuesday, May 27. Please note that there will be no class on April 22 or 23.
No prerequisites required; instructions for remote learning will be emailed upon registration. For questions about language levels, please contact Marie-Therese Bjornerud. Tuition is $675 ($607.50 ASF Members); 20 hours total class time.
Required & Recommended Material
Textbook: PA VEI TEKSTBOK, ELLINGSEN, 2012 – ISBN: 9788202340940
Workbook: PA VEI ARBEIDSBOK, ELLINGSEN, 2012 – ISBN: 9788202343163
Highly Recommended:
Word List: PA VEI Norsk-Engelsk Ordliste, ELLINGSEN, 2012 – ISBN: 9788202372255
CD-set: PA VEI ELEV-CD til tekstbok, ELLINGSEN, 2012 – ISBN: 9788202371869
Also Recommended:
Online exercises (both oral and written) following the textbook
Notebooks for vocabulary as well as notes
Duolingo (Android, Apple) and other language apps to expand vocabulary and support the learning process